
Evaluation: Integration of BRiTE

I think it [resilience] adds a surprising amount of depth to what we’re learning.

There was a general consensus that the BRiTE modules were appropriately mapped against the workshop topics. However, the theme of resilient planning received the lowest overall mean, indicating that the BRITE modules may have a more relational focus on resilience, rather than a focus on administrative aspects of being a resilient teacher.

Findings (5 point Agreement Scale)
Extent to which BRITE Concepts Matched Workshops
N ValueMean (n=17)
Understanding Teacher Resilience144.4
Behaviour Management134.2
Working with your Mentor(s)114.2
Working with Parents113.8
Learning Goals and Lesson Planning113.7
Assessment and Feedback123.8
Integrated Unit Planning113.7
Scaffolding Learning124.2
Differentiating Learning114.2
Questioning and Inquiry114.2
Ethical and Sensitive Issues124.2
Diversity and Inclusion114.1

Which leads to the following quote that notes that there is often a focus on the pedagogical rather than how to “do the pedagogical resiliently”.

I'm being completely honest and then you’d go oh now we're going to make sure we’ve tied it in with resilience and it felt like sometimes … I just wanted to learn about the pedagogical things and how I could implement it…I think it's very probably indicative …[of] the way most of us think and why people burn out so much…because it's something that we tack on the end but it's so incredibly important…I'm really grateful that's kind of what is meant to tie every single one of these sessions together because that's the only way we're going to stay in our jobs

But overall, it’s great to see that resilience “added a surprising amount of depth” to the students’ learning.

Australian Government
Murdoch University
University of Wollongong
Federation University
										Darwin University
University of Tasmania
											University of Technology