
Bachelor of Education

The Early Years (4 years)

In our Early Years program at UOW, the intention is for our pre-service teachers to undertake  each module twice. Within the first two years of their study they will complete the 5 modules. Within each module they will engage with material (with specific focus areas and points linked to subject content), and will work through the cycle of knowledge, consideration of their professional practice, and then reflection activities. Moreover, there is an intent across the program for pre-service teachers to consider their growth over time, and an associated link with professional identity. To support this activity, the responses will be date/time stamped.

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Do Know

“We do not learn from experience…  we learn from reflecting on experience.” - John Dewey [1]

Links between content knowledge, application and then the process of reflection, drawing on learnings and prior experiences will be ongoing.

  1. Dewey (1933)* [Dewey, J. (1933). How we think. Boston, D. C.: Heath & Co. p.78] is recognised as the eminent 20th century influence on reflection in education. For Dewey, reflective thinking involves a systematic, scientific process of describing experience and taking intelligent action to test hypotheses. Learning, then, is a reflective process on a continual series of experiences from which continuity of meaning occurs over time. Reflective practice is viewed as a thought process aimed at understanding and improvement and personal experiences influence reflective practice outcomes.
Australian Government
Murdoch University
University of Wollongong
Federation University
										Darwin University
University of Tasmania
											University of Technology