Promoting Resilience in Higher Education
Unique features of the Early Years context
Early childhood education and care (ECEC) came late to the global scene with the short term purpose to provide childcare for an increase in the ‘female’ or maternal workforce, and in the long-term, to ensure a cost effective means of establishing a competitive and productive workforce, with particular attention to sustained benefits of participation in quality education and care.[1][2]
Research has confirmed the benefits of reducing inequality by improving outcomes for children from disadvantaged circumstances[3][4][5][6][7][8] by focusing on the holistic development of their social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs, including language, motor skills and visual and sensory skills [9][10]. Further, this has been found to promote a lifelong solid and broad foundation for learning and wellbeing[11][12], and evidence of an association between early childhood education and gains in achievement, including poverty reduction and social behavior where there is increased intergenerational social mobility[13][14].
Although there is wide recognition that a qualified workforce is key to ensuring high quality ECEC[15], educators continue to experience instances of being underpaid, having low status, a lack of career paths and inadequate training opportunities.
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