Promoting Resilience in Higher Education
Unit level Illustration 1
In their second year, Bachelor of Education (Primary and Early Years) students complete a 2 week block of Professional Experience with an English curriculum focus. Prior to the placement students complete 10 topics, 2 of which have embedded BRiTE Modules, B (Building Resilience) and R (Relationships). At the end of each topic, students include the relevant pages of their BRiTE toolkit in their eportfolio.
Week Four task:
This week explores your resilience and reflective practice; two essential skills for future teachers. First, complete the BRiTE module B (Building Resilience). Second, upload your B module toolkit to your eportfolio.
Week Ten task:
Relationships are essential in schools. You will need to develop a relationship with your mentor and the children whilst on placement, as well as your fellow teachers, principal and parents. Use your knowledge about your new school environment and co-teaching strategies to complete the BRiTE Module R – Relationships. Upload your R module Toolkit and co-teaching strategies handout to your eportfolio.