
Unit level Illustration 2

Reflective practice through Critical Learning Incidents

In the same 2nd year unit, students complete a reflective task drawing on their Professional Experience and the B and R modules. The reflection involves writing a Critical Learning Incident and is scaffolded through the SAO+ framework as below.

End of unit task:

Reflect on your experience, the APST (Graduate level) and the Murdoch Graduate Attributes for this task.

Your final task is to identify a Critical Learning Incident (CLI; Tripp, 2012[1]), that has been a memorable learning experience for you during this placement. It could be either a positive or negative experience that made you reflect on the situation, action and outcome. It could also have provided an opportunity for you to respond resiliently or use your knowledge about relationships from the BRiTE modules.

Present your CLI in a SAO+ and finish by linking it to an Australian Professional Standard for Teachers (APST).

SSituation – what was the situation?
AAction – What action was taken?
OOutcome – What was the outcome of the action?
+Would you change/modify or implement again?


  1. Tripp, D. H. (2012). Critical incidents in teaching: developing professional judgement. London: Routledge.
Australian Government
Murdoch University
University of Wollongong
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										Darwin University
University of Tasmania
											University of Technology