
Wellbeing and mental health

A conversation with Fiona Cumming

Fiona Cumming

Don’t be afraid to ask for help…

To build networks before they finish university…

And also to look after themselves in their own health and their own fitness and maintain their interest in their sport and physical activity…  


It can be a bit tricky because in Health and PE we actually teach student on content about resilience … we are teaching about resilience in classrooms as well as their own resilience…

What are the professional, counselling services that can be helpful to manage student anxiety and stress? What are my responsibilities as a teacher?

Adolescent Health and Development

  1. Wellbeing, frameworks & theories in practice
  2. Adolescent development
  3. Understanding mental health and supporting students
  4. Building skills for resilience/responding to student needs
  5. Creative supportive environments
Australian Government
Murdoch University
University of Wollongong
Federation University
										Darwin University
University of Tasmania
											University of Technology